VNC Viewer Setup

To setup VNC viewer to run Gnome, I have the following ~/.vnc/xstartup.


# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
#exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#x-window-manager &
gnome-session &

I start VNC with the following command line, which starts the VNC server and it's built-in http server on non-standard ports.

vnc4server :1 -alwaysshared -rfbport 17009 -httpd /home/joel/vncwww/ -httpPort 17800

Next, I downloaded the TightVNC Java Viewer and put it's files in /home/joel/vncwww/classes/. To access the Java viewer, I just point my browser at <myaddress>:17800/classes/index.vnc.