Write to NTFS Drive in OS X Mountain Lion

I looked around quite a bit before I found this answer. I needed an NTFS drive to work in a pinch and this trick saved the day.

CNet has an article on how to mount and use an NTFS drive on OS X I've tested it in Mountain Lion and it worked for my purposes. Keep in mind, however, that support is not well tested. Be careful.

How to Manually Enable NTFS Read and Write

Here's a summary of the process.

  1. Add a line to the /etc/fstab file
  2. Eject the drive
  3. Reconnect the drive
  4. Run open /Volumes in a terminal to access it

Here's the line to add to the fstab file. Replace 'name' with the name of your drive.

LABEL=name none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse

Note: If you have a space in the disk name, you can use the characters '\040' in place of that space in the /etc/fstab file. For example, my drive was called 'FreeAgent Kay' and I used the following line.

LABEL=FreeAgent\040Kay none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse