Random Chords

Write guitar music. Learn new chord changes. Get past writers block.

Select a key and the app automatically picks a set of 5 random chords in that key. Tap a chord to play it.

Play each of the chords in order and you've got an instant starting point for a new song. Experiment manually or click refresh for a new set of chord ideas.

Learn new chord shapes and changes by playing chords that fit in a particular key. Lookup each to learn the new shape. Play them through to learn new changes. Repeat them to increase your speed.

Please ignore the number typo in the screenshot above. Oops.

Version History




Chrome Web Store (1.1.0)
Apple App Store (1.1.0)
Amazon Android App Store (1.1.0)
Google Play (1.1.0)
Windows Phone (1.0.0)