Table of Contents

Plain Text List of PHP Functions and Their Arguments

I scoured the web looking for a simple list of all the PHP functions and their arguments. After a lot of searching, I couldn't find the list I wanted. So, I downloaded the PHP docs and wrote a little PHP program to create a list of function names.

This list might be useful to PHP programmers who want a quick reference for a specific function. For example, I plan to write another program that will do quick function lookups using this list.

It may also be useful as a ctag file.

Creating the List

Here's the PHP program that I used to generate the list of functions and arguments. It's a bit of a hack, but I was in a hurry.


The List

You can download the full list here.


PHP Reference Lookup

Here's the program I wrote to quickly lookup a PHP function (or any function matching part of a word).


To run the program, just make it executable and run the following:

phpref.php <word>

User Contributed Python Version

A user contributed the following Python version to me in a comment on my blog. The comment is below.

hi, I read your wiki:

and I improve the script and put it here:

please check it. thanks.