Table of Contents

Basic Tutorial for Base

This is a very basic tutorial for using the template. These instructions are currently from memory. I should add more detail and screenshots soon.

What You'll Need

  1. Have a completed web project.
  2. An iPhone for testing your app.
  3. A Mac to compile and transfer the app.
  4. A developer account with Apple.
  5. The latest versions of XCode.

Basic Design Points

Installing XCode and Preparing Your iPhone

  1. If you don't already have one, get an Apple Developer account (link).
  2. Download and install the latest iPhone SDK (link).
  3. Create the certificates for development (links).

Using the Project

  1. Download the file to your Mac.
  2. Unzip it into your Documents directory.
  3. Rename the base directory to a new name for your project.
  4. Open XCode, click Open Other, and load the project.
  5. Rename the project using the Project, Rename menu in XCode.
  6. Delete the existing www resource from the project (make sure you delete the files).
  7. Drag your completed projects www folder onto Resources in XCode.
  8. Check the Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed) box.
  9. Select Create Folder References for any added folders and click Add.
  10. Build and run (if you still see Hello World delete the app from the simulator and Clean All Targets first).

Other Cleanup

You'll probably want to do a little bit more cleanup.

  1. Add icon.png and icon@2x.png
  2. Add default.png
  3. Change the target version to 3.0


Here are some common problems you might run into and links to solutions.