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Booklet Printing a PDF File

This document describes how to print booklets from letter size documents exported as PDF files. Such as those files created with the “Print to File” option.

This process works on my HP LaserJet 1000. Other printers may work differently, depending on what order the pages are in when they exit the printer. You will probably want to babysit the printer to make sure that the pages stay in the correct order, especially when you print the back sides.

Printing the Front Sides

  1. Export the document to PDF.
  2. Select File, Print.
  3. Make sure “Subset” is “All pages in range”.
  4. Make sure “Reverse Pages” is not checked.
  5. Change “Page Scaling” to “Booklet Printing”.
  6. Change “Booklet subset” to “Front side only”.
  7. Click “OK” to print the front sides.

Printing the Back Sides

  1. Put the pages back into the tray, leaving them in the same order (blank side up, top to the left).
  2. Select File, Print.
  3. “Page Scaling” should still be set to “Booklet Printing”.
  4. Change “Booklet subset” to “Back side only”.
  5. Mark the “Reverse pages” check-box.
  6. Press “OK” to print the back sides.