2x4 Pop Can Reso

I saw a homeless man playing a dumpster dived guitar. It made me wonder how inexpensively I could build a guitar. I started thinking about designs that I could build out of a single 2×4 stud. They cost around $2.50 and are readily available.

First, I came up with the idea for the Pop Can Reso in order to produce the acoustics without building a really complicated acoustic body. Next, I expanded that idea to a full 6 string guitar.

Here's the design idea.

There's a design flaw here in that the bridge would need to sit on top of the reso in order for the string sounds to work correctly. Some people have also suggested that the can is too small.

Ultimately, I like the design here, but I'm not a fan of the sound of other can guitars. So, I'm not likely to build this one.