POV-Ray Base Image

Here's some code for a simple base image to start POV-Ray drawings from.

// A "shed" in POV-Ray that is 10' by 8' where we can
// place our drawing.
// Run this: povray Quality=11 Antialias=true room.pov

#declare w = 10; // Try 10*12 here for inches
#declare d = 8;  // Try 8*12 here for inches
#declare h = 8;  // Try 8*12 here for inches

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "woods.inc"

camera {
	location <-w, h, -d>
	look_at <0, 0, 0>

light_source { <-w, h, d> color White }

box {
	<-2, -1, 2>,
	<2, 1, -2>
	texture {
		pigment { color Yellow }
box {
	<-1.5, 1, 1.5>,
	<1.5, 3, -1.5>
	texture {
		pigment { color Yellow }
box {
	<-1, 3, 1>,
	<1, 5, -1>
	texture {
		pigment { color Yellow }

Here's the image produced by that code.