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The Passive Income Experiment

I made a JavaScript app and scored $50 in 3 weeks. That project gave me motivation to do an experiment to deliver twelve things of value in 12 weeks. Here's what happened with that first project.

Eight months prior I was reading a post on /r/entrepreneur and decided to write a script that would “like” Instagram posts automatically. I wrote a comment on that post, told people how to use the script, then forgot about it.

Months later a user contacted me and said the original script didn't work anymore. I checked my web site stats and found that the page was getting a few hits a day and decided to try to use that traffic to my advantage.

I created an extension for Google Chrome and published it to the Chrome Web Store. I sent email back to the user pointing him to the new extension. The next day I had my first order and a few more slowly trickled in.

I bought a domain for 88 cents and put together a tiny web page. I used a free service to host the new web page. My total expenses were $5.88. I received $48.37 over the next three weeks. That's 823% profit, if I don't count my time.

I'm now going forward with my goal. The first 3 projects are delivered and two others are planned. More ideas are swimming around in my head and I'm sure I'll start to organize those soon. The last project will be a book that talked about the whole process. I'll discuss the success and failures of each project and give details about what was accomplished and how.

If you want more information, please subscribe my mailing list. It's listed near the bottom of The Passive Income Experiment page. I plan to send a quick email every week as I deliver something new.

The Passive Income Experiment

Some of the projects are already delivered and others are in the initial stages. Here are the projects I've created so far.

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Here are some of the topics I plan to include in the book.

  1. My own background
  2. Each of my successes and failures
  3. How to create inexpensive websites
  4. Making decisions about products to deliver
  5. Building traffic from Google search
  6. Ways to get money from buyers
  7. Lessons I've learned along the way
  8. Total money earned after 3 months
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the_passive_income_experiment.1463756798.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/01 22:53 (external edit)