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Upgrading Dokuwiki

I run Dokuwiki on this website and when I get notices at the top of the page I always cringe. After my last update, I'm not sure why they intimidate me. Upgrading is very simple. Here are the steps I take.

Start in the directory above (..) where your wiki is.

cd /path/before/wiki

Make a backup copy of your wiki, just in case anything goes wrong.

cp -a ./wiki/ /tmp/wiki-bak

Download the latest version of Dokuwiki from Splitbrain with a command like the following command.


Extract it into a folder:

tar -xzvf dokuwiki-stable.tgz

Now copy/upload all its files over your old DokuWiki installation overwriting all existing files:

'cp' -rf dokuwiki-xxxx-xx-xx/{*,.??*} ./wiki/

The quotes around cp ensures the command works even when cp is aliased to cp -i and the .??* ensures that hidden files are also copied.

Touch the doku.php file so that dokuwiki clears it's cache and sees that we are using the latest version of now.

touch ./wiki/doku.php

Remove the temporary installation files.

rm -rf dokuwiki-xxxx-xx-xx/

See the Dokuwiki Upgrade docs for more details.

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upgrading_dokuwiki.1431525498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/01 22:53 (external edit)