My head is swarming with ideas for new products, software programs, websites, and businesses. I drive my family crazy when I blurt out interesting, odd or downright insane ideas from the couch, which I do regularly. Here is a collection of some of those ideas. Some of these are simple thoughts while others I've spent more time brainstorming and organizing. I'd love your feedback on any of these ideas.
See my ideadex for more ideas.
Family Investors
An idea pulled from a simple quote in the book “What Would Google Do” by Jeff Jarvis. A group of families that pool their money and take turns investing in one business at a time.
Twitter Multiple Personalities App
An app that allows you to manage tweets to multiple Twitter accounts so that you can create multiple Twitter personalities and easily post relevant content to each.
Twitter Mentions of Page
A simple HTML / JavaScript app that searches twitter for any comments that link to the current page and display the mentions.
Twitter Tech News Feed
A tech news page that features tweets that link to tech websites.
Micro Journal Web and Mobile App
A quick app for writing down journal entries.
HTML Layout Designer
The layout designer lets you place rectangles on a page in order to layout divs for HTML.
Fit Friends Facebook App
A two part app that lets people log their weight loss and share their overall progress with friends.
Mobile Mortgage Calculator
A simple mortgage calculator for both home buyers and real estate agents. Built for your mobile phone so you can take it on-site.
Tweet Saver
A nickel saver type feed using Twitter.
Atomic Clock Web App
A simple clock web app that lists times in US time zones.
Save File Bookmarklet
A web service that will save any embeddable file as a bookmarklet with the file embedded in it. Great for “saving” files onto the iphone.
Canvas CAD
A web based 2D CAD drawing app written with HTML 5 using the canvas element.
Idea Template
A template for laying out ideas. Right now I'm just trying to organize my ideas, but in the future I might like them to follow this standard format.
Rating Ideas
Some ideas on how to rate my ideas and decide which to move forward on.